If you’re a pregnant woman, read this blog carefully! Before we get onto the topic of how to do Garbh Sanskar at home, you need to understand the importance of Garbh Sanskar.

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting experiences in a woman’s life. It is the beginning of a completely new phase of life. This is when she goes from being a creation towards being a creator.

You’re currently going through this phase. Chances are that, at the moment, you feel both excited and overwhelmed. You may be full of thoughts and worries about the child you’re carrying in your womb. You might be concerned about your physical and mental health as well.

As a soon-to-be-mother, we’re sure that you’re doing everything you possibly can for your health and the baby. You are eating well, following the doctor’s advice, and taking all your vitamins. However, ask yourself this – is that enough? What you’re doing will ensure the physical health of the child but what about his emotional and spiritual health?